May 2, 2022

Mold is an ugly, hazardous, and all-around pesky thing. It grows in damp and humid environments, so it’s no surprise that it’s often found in vehicles. But what do you do if you think you have mold growing in your ride? This guide will help you understand mold growth indoors, how to identify it, and how to take care of the problem. Stay safe and healthy!

How does Mold grow Inside Vehicles? – Causes & Conditions

Mold loves damp and humid environments. Controlling the moisture is the key to preventing mold growth.

There are a few ways that mold can get into your vehicle:

  • Driving in wet weather: When you drive in the rain, snow, or even through puddles, water can splash up and into your car. This moisture can settle on surfaces and start the mold growth process.
  • Leaving windows open: If you leave your windows open, especially during humid weather, moisture can enter the car and begin to cause problems.
  • Condensation: Warm air hitting cold surfaces inside the vehicle can cause condensation. This moisture can settle on surfaces and start the mold growth process.

If you think your vehicle has a mold infestation, there are a few signs to look for:

  • Visible mold: if you can see mold, it’s time to take action. Mold can appear as fuzzy or slimy patches of various colors.
  • Musty odor: A telltale sign of mold is a musty smell. If your car smells like mildew or dampness, chances are mold is present.
  • Stale air: If the air inside your car seems stale or stagnant, it could be due to mold growth.

How to Get Rid of Mold Inside Car?

You can use several household products to clean mold from your car’s interior. White vinegar, baking soda, and tea tree oil are effective mold-fighters.

Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle to clean the mold with white vinegar. Afterward, spray the mixture on the affected areas and wipe away with a clean cloth.

Baking soda is another excellent option for cleaning mold. Make a baking soda paste and water, then apply to the affected areas. Let the paste sit for a few hours before wiping away.

Steps to Avoid Mold Growth

  1. Keep your car clean
  2. Park in a covered area, such as a garage or carport.
  3. If you must park outside, choose a shady spot.
  4. Ventilate your car often, especially after driving in wet or humid weather.
  5. Inspect your car regularly for mold growth and nip it in the bud as soon as possible.

If you notice mold growing in your car, take action immediately to clean it up and prevent further growth. You can also take your vehicle to a dealership for professional mold remediation services.

It’s important to know that there are ways to protect your car from mold and mildew, and Inside Out Car Care in Salisbury, MD, can help. We offer a wide range of car care services, including full-service auto detailing. Contact us today for a free estimate on how we can help you keep your car in top condition!